
  1. 2. Comes in cartons
  2. 4. Little green veggies
  3. 6. Served with burgers
  4. 8. Go out to eat food
  5. 10. McDonals summed up in one word
  6. 11. Asian, wrapped in pastry
  7. 14. Dessert, Main...
  8. 16. KF what?
  9. 18. Pan
  1. 1. Sea animal
  2. 3. Oven
  3. 5. H2O fruit
  4. 6. Hard, brown dessert
  5. 7. Fungus growing on fungus (Fungusception)
  6. 9. Makes things sweet
  7. 12. Small shelfish
  8. 13. Italian pastry with toppings
  9. 15. Funny when you throw them at people
  10. 16. Someone who cooks for a living
  11. 17. Cuts Stuff