
  1. 4. A good source of protein other than dairy, meat and legumes
  2. 5. The main ingredient in an omelette
  3. 8. Where you should store milk, eggs and cheese
  4. 9. Strawberry shortcake is made up of strawberries, shortcake and ________ _______
  5. 11. A vegetable that looks like a tree
  6. 13. The vegetable you use to make French Fries
  7. 14. What monkeys love to eat (and also has a lot of potassium)
  8. 15. What you would call a dish that has lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers
  1. 1. What you would call two pieces of bread with meat, cheese or other delicious foods
  2. 2. Something you drink that makes your bones strong
  3. 3. What you call a cook who works at a restaurant
  4. 6. What you use to sweeten food
  5. 7. What you call dough topped with tomato sauce, cheese and other awesome toppings
  6. 10. The beans used to make Hummus
  7. 12. Dried grapes are called __________