
  1. 3. Circle made up of triangles
  2. 5. Comes from bees
  3. 7. One of these a day keeps the doctor away
  4. 8. It's essence is in cakes
  5. 11. A giant chip with square chaped holes
  6. 14. A bit like coffee
  7. 16. Mythical creature fruit
  8. 18. Yellow and curvy
  9. 20. Fruit and cream
  10. 21. Circles of heaven sometimes with holes through the middle
  11. 22. Brilliant with croutons
  1. 1. Just chilling in the sea
  2. 2. Perfect with salt and chips
  3. 4. Annoying _________
  4. 6. Cooked Moooooooo
  5. 9. Green on the outside, green on the inside
  6. 10. Sun dried grapes
  7. 12. Just think of this as a plate of worms
  8. 13. Practically pillows
  9. 15. full of red seeds
  10. 17. Supposedly help you see in the dark
  11. 19. Made with yeast