food,food,and more food

  1. 3. teachers love to drink this
  2. 6. this is part of your fivea day
  3. 7. this give you fats
  4. 8. we can get milk from this animal
  5. 11. this animal is mainly in steak and bugers
  6. 12. we have made this in school before
  7. 13. milk can give u alot of it
  8. 14. what is your pointing finger called
  1. 1. what is the smallest finger called
  2. 2. what is the middle finger called
  3. 4. its got a yolk in it
  4. 5. what is your wedding finger called
  5. 6. you have it in your cereal
  6. 9. this can give you carbonhydrate
  7. 10. we get protein from this animal
  8. 11. this is also part of your five a day but a fruit