
  1. 3. a white drink good for children
  2. 5. a fruit that is also a color
  3. 8. BBQ =
  4. 10. Scott made __ toast
  5. 11. (adjective) food you have during holidays etc
  6. 12. a leafy vegetable used in salads
  7. 13. famous american fast food restaurant
  8. 14. monkeys like to eat
  9. 16. an ocean fish with pink meat
  10. 17. a drink made from ice cream
  1. 1. what you get at McDonald's
  2. 2. the last meal of the day
  3. 4. a very sour fruit
  4. 6. orange vegetables that rabbits like
  5. 7. KFC or ___ Fried Chicken
  6. 8. the first meal
  7. 9. Starbucks makes
  8. 15. these make popular American pies
  9. 18. a noon time meal