
  1. 4. bread and _____
  2. 9. old-time name for corn
  3. 11. can be dark, milk, or white
  4. 13. snack that smiles back
  5. 16. iconic birthday treat
  6. 18. raw fish
  7. 19. synonym for poultry
  8. 23. nuttiest allergy around
  9. 25. most important meal of the day
  10. 26. bunny's favorite food
  11. 28. wateriest fruit around
  1. 1. carved during fall
  2. 2. when you don't eat anything from animals
  3. 3. yellow and long fruit
  4. 5. swims in the ocean
  5. 6. eggs and _____
  6. 7. more seeds than fruit
  7. 8. an animal as well as a fruit
  8. 10. comes from a chicken
  9. 12. the color is in the name
  10. 14. made with eggs
  11. 15. sweets after dinner
  12. 17. mac & _____
  13. 20. cashew/almond/pecan
  14. 21. OG drink
  15. 22. Oolong or Earl Grey
  16. 24. the iPhone fruit
  17. 27. Halloween's specialty
  18. 29. comes from a cow
  19. 30. makes you cry