
  1. 2. A lot of people have this for breakfast
  2. 3. Keeps you awake
  3. 5. Thanksgiving
  4. 7. Was invented in Germany
  5. 9. Liquid ice cream
  6. 12. An Australian and British dish
  7. 14. Don't drink its juice
  8. 17. White cooking powder
  9. 20. Keeps the doctor away
  10. 22. The #1 stolen food in the world
  11. 23. A Chinese daily
  12. 24. A popular clicker game
  13. 26. Used to make french fries
  14. 28. A spicy vegetable
  15. 31. Can make a "volcano" erupt
  16. 33. Found everywhere in America
  17. 35. Usually served in fast food restaurants
  1. 1. Traditional Mexican dish
  2. 3. Indian food; Stephan _____
  3. 4. A yellow fruit
  4. 6. Round; Covered in frosting
  5. 8. Used in cakes, cookies, and more
  6. 10. A type of pasta filled with cheese
  7. 11. Used in literally almost every dessert
  8. 13. Very popular Italian dish
  9. 15. One of the more intense junk foods
  10. 16. Good with cream cheese
  11. 18. A cold food, usually used as a dessert
  12. 19. This food can swim, well, could swim
  13. 21. Italian food; usually found in New York
  14. 22. A head ____ in a restaurant
  15. 25. _____ have layers, ogres have layers
  16. 27. Vegetarian dish
  17. 29. Greek bread
  18. 30. Popular soda around the world
  19. 32. A place where bread is made
  20. 34. Squirrels love these