
  1. 2. similar to raisins
  2. 4. a type of sandwich
  3. 8. triangle shaped chips
  4. 9. type of lettuce meal
  5. 11. people drink it to wake up in the morning
  6. 12. breakfast food that comes in a box
  7. 13. fruit provided for breakfast and lunch
  8. 15. edible bears
  9. 18. popular lunch item served on Tuesdays and Thursdays
  10. 19. helps a chicken fly
  11. 21. chocolate cookies with vanilla icing
  12. 23. toast made in France
  13. 26. their mascot is a cheetah
  14. 28. vegetable that makes you cry
  1. 1. little chocolate kiss
  2. 3. edible kids
  3. 5. yogurt that usually comes with fruit
  4. 6. popular mexican food
  5. 7. sweet,cold dessert
  6. 10. made by bees
  7. 14. a french bread
  8. 16. tortilla wrap
  9. 17. it's good for your bones
  10. 20. popular breakfast item at RHS
  11. 22. japanese stick snack
  12. 24. chips associated with sun
  13. 25. snack you buy at the movie theatre
  14. 27. pastry with a hole in the middle