
  1. 2. Long, thin strands of dough often served in a savory broth
  2. 3. Warm and comforting dish with a flavorful broth and ingredients
  3. 6. Healthy dish made with fresh vegetables and dressing
  4. 9. Classic American sandwich with a juicy patty and toppings
  5. 10. cream Cold and creamy dessert made from frozen sweetened dairy
  6. 12. Thick and blended beverage made with fruits and yogurt
  7. 14. Japanese delicacy consisting of vinegared rice and fresh seafood
  8. 15. Flavorful dish with a spicy sauce and a variety of ingredients
  1. 1. Fluffy and round breakfast food often served with syrup
  2. 4. Delicious dish with a crispy crust, topped with various ingredients
  3. 5. Italian staple made from flour and often served with sauce
  4. 7. rolls Rolled sushi with rice, seafood, and vegetables wrapped in seaweed
  5. 8. chicken Crispy and flavorful chicken that is deep-fried
  6. 11. Quick and flavorful dish with mixed vegetables and meat
  7. 12. Convenient meal with layers of bread and various fillings
  8. 13. Mexican street food with a tortilla filled with meat and toppings