  1. 2. A dish made with a mixture of fresh vegetables, often topped with dressing.
  2. 3. A sweet and circular pastry with a hole in the middle, often glazed or filled with various flavors.
  3. 5. A blended beverage made with fruits, yogurt, and sometimes ice cream or juice.
  4. 6. A light and crunchy snack made from heated corn kernels.
  5. 7. cream A sweet frozen treat made from dairy products and flavored with various ingredients.
  6. 11. A tasty treat made from cocoa beans, often used in desserts and candies.
  7. 13. A popular food made with a patty, typically beef, served in a bun with toppings.
  8. 14. A type of food made from flour, water, and sometimes eggs, often served with sauce.
  9. 15. A delicious dish made with a crust, sauce, cheese, and various toppings.
  1. 1. A meal made with two or more slices of bread and fillings like meat, cheese, or vegetables.
  2. 4. A warm and comforting dish made by combining ingredients like vegetables, meat, and broth.
  3. 5. A Japanese dish consisting of vinegared rice, seafood, and vegetables, often wrapped in seaweed.
  4. 8. A baked treat made from dough, usually containing sweet ingredients like chocolate chips.
  5. 9. A flat, round cake made from batter and cooked on a griddle, usually served with syrup.
  6. 10. Nutritious foods that are good for your body, like carrots and broccoli.
  7. 12. Tasty and healthy snacks that come from plants, like apples and oranges.