
  1. 2. Monkey like this fruit
  2. 5. Looks like a small green tree
  3. 6. Grain part of Sandwich
  4. 7. Brown Vegetable
  5. 10. Spongebob's house
  6. 11. Eat this grain everyday
  7. 12. Looks like leaves
  8. 15. Protein that starts with B
  9. 17. Round green vegetable
  10. 19. Protein
  11. 20. Eat it in the morning with a bowl of milk
  12. 21. Orange Fruit
  13. 23. Yellow Grain
  1. 1. Fruit that starts with M
  2. 3. Dairy Product
  3. 4. Burrito
  4. 5. Yellow Block of Oil
  5. 8. Mouse like it
  6. 9. Protein that lives in the Ocean
  7. 13. Spaghetti
  8. 14. Salty Cookies
  9. 16. Bread is made from this
  10. 18. Pen-Pineapple-_____-pen
  11. 19. White Drink
  12. 20. Rabbits like it
  13. 22. Come from Chickens