
  1. 4. A tropical fruit that is very spiky on the outside.
  2. 5. Comes from a chicken.
  3. 10. A breakfast food that is eaten with milk.
  4. 11. A fried meal that people enjoy in New Zealand.
  5. 13. A food made by bees.
  6. 14. A bird that is made into KFC.
  1. 1. A green, red or yellow fruit that grows on trees.
  2. 2. A sausage that is popular in South Africa.
  3. 3. A spread made out of fruit that we can put on toast.
  4. 6. 2 slices of bread with a filling inside.
  5. 7. Some people eat this with eggs for breakfast.
  6. 8. A drink that comes from cows.
  7. 9. A food that is eaten all over the world.
  8. 10. A curry made with chickpeas.
  9. 12. A Japanese food made with rice and seaweed.