
  1. 3. Family with herbs such as: dill, parsley, and cilantro
  2. 5. Where the pigment in the herbs come from
  3. 8. Method concentrating juices from vegetables, herbs, and meat
  4. 9. Family with herbs such as: Basil, lavender, and thyme
  5. 11. To release the aroma of an herb crush it between your _______
  6. 13. Made with milk and white roux
  7. 14. Term for a sauce made of mainly tomatoes
  8. 15. Roux that's cooked for 4-6 minutes
  9. 17. Before grinding the spice this heightens their aroma
  10. 18. A clear soup made by clarifying by the raft method
  11. 19. Along with being in a cool cabinet it should also be ____
  1. 1. A long simmered and Indian sauce
  2. 2. Basically a stock not needed to be clarified
  3. 4. Spices are always _____
  4. 6. When spices are ground their aromatic oils start to do this
  5. 7. To reach the sensory receptors in our nasal passage aromatic compounds must be ________
  6. 8. Made from simmering bones
  7. 10. Boiling the liquid until solid particles concentrate and thicken
  8. 12. Flour mixed with fat
  9. 16. Found in India, Thailand, Vietnam, and Mexico