
  1. 4. The sweet type of biscuit, especially eaten on a birthday
  2. 5. a type of fast food, high in calories
  3. 6. When you eat it, you cry automotically
  4. 8. a plant or part of a plant used as food, such as a cabbage, potato, carrot, or bean.
  5. 10. sweet and healthy
  6. 12. traditional Kazakh milk food, there are different types of sour and sweet
  7. 14. white and sweet
  8. 15. type of citrus, yellow
  1. 1. a semi-solid food prepared from milk fermented by added bacteria, often sweetened and flavoured.
  2. 2. a food preparation made from roasted ground cacao seeds, usually sweetened and flavoured
  3. 3. full of gland,leaves a red color
  4. 4. good for eyes and growth, but I don’t know if this is true?
  5. 7. a cold-blooded aquatic vertebrate with scales and gills, like a shark, a trout, or a pike
  6. 9. round, especially eaten for breakfast
  7. 11. dry, single-seeded fruits that have high oil content
  8. 13. Every person needs this, without you will die