
  1. 2. a favorite with roots in Greece and Italy
  2. 6. an oval or round object laid by a female bird
  3. 8. a pasta formed in narrow tubes
  4. 9. round and commonly glazed
  5. 10. common side of hamburgers and hot dogs
  6. 13. a soft frozen food made with sweetened and flavored milk fat
  7. 14. named after an animal that lays eggs
  8. 15. a sweet food made with sugar or syrup
  9. 16. tortilla chips topped with cheese and jalapenos
  1. 1. an item of food consisting two pieces of bread and fillings
  2. 2. a thin, flat cake of batter eaten with syrup
  3. 3. a dish originally from Italy consisting of dough
  4. 4. brand of chocolates founded in 1894
  5. 5. a sandwich made famous by drive-thru
  6. 7. grab this at a baseball game
  7. 11. a small cake baked in a cup shaped container and iced
  8. 12. leafy greens with dressing
  9. 17. form of sweet dessert that is typically baked