
  1. 3. one of the main parts on a sandwich
  2. 5. comes from a cow and is a sandwich
  3. 7. popular lunch choice
  4. 9. usually a side of a hamburger
  5. 13. people eat it with cheese
  6. 14. type of fish
  7. 15. popular lunch or dinner that comes from a cow
  1. 1. people like to eat a lot in yogurt
  2. 2. comes from a pig and is a lunch/dinner food
  3. 4. produced from a chicken and is a breakfast food
  4. 6. little fish people eat in a cocktail
  5. 8. a popular american food with sauce, dough, and cheese
  6. 10. swims in the ocean
  7. 11. food we eat during thanksgiving
  8. 12. comes from pig and is a breakfast food