  1. 2. when you massage/soften a mixture
  2. 6. when you take the outer layer of an ingredient off.
  3. 8. pour a mainly liquid substance through a porous device or material in order to separate out any solid matter.
  4. 10. soaking foods in a certian product
  5. 12. cook (food, especially meat) by prolonged exposure to heat in an oven or over a fire.
  6. 13. an object used to heat food products fast
  7. 17. make clean and hygienic; disinfect.
  8. 19. make (meat) more ____ by beating or slow cooking.
  9. 20. to takewaway coldness from a food
  1. 1. a cooking method used when shredding an ingredient.
  2. 3. cause the water or other liquid in something to run out, leaving it empty, dry, or drier.
  3. 4. a cooking method used when turning a solid into a liquid.
  4. 5. A spice used to add flavor to a meal.
  5. 7. a pile or mound.
  6. 9. less than 1/8 a teaspoon
  7. 11. when a meal/ingredient gets to a certain cold temperature.
  8. 14. give a flat and even surface to.
  9. 15. pour juices or melted fat over meat during cooking in order to keep it moist.
  10. 16. put a fine, loose, or powdery substanc through a sieve so as to remove lumps or large particles.
  11. 18. cut off the outer skin of something.