
  1. 5. A small fruit that has green flesh, black seeds, and brown, hairy skin
  2. 6. A food made from flat, usually round bread that is topped with usually tomato sauce and cheese and often with meat or vegetables
  3. 7. A food that is made from cacao beans and that is eaten as candy or used as a flavoring ingredient in other sweet foods
  4. 9. A juicy tropical fruit that has firm yellow and red skin and a hard seed at its center
  5. 11. A hot drink made from the roasted and ground bean-like seeds of a tropical shrub
  6. 12. A thoroughly shaken or blended drink made of milk, a flavoring syrup, and often ice cream
  7. 15. A thin, flat, round cake that is made by cooking batter on both sides in a frying pan or on a hot surface (called a griddle)
  8. 16. A tropical plant with a thick root that can be boiled and eaten
  9. 17. A slightly acidic semisolid food that is often flavored and sweetened and is made of milk that has been soured by the addition of bacteria
  1. 1. A Chinese food made of dough that is filled with meat or vegetables and often served boiled in soup
  2. 2. A mixture of oats and other ingredients (such as brown sugar, raisins, coconut, or nuts) that is eaten especially for breakfast or as a snack
  3. 3. An alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes
  4. 4. Thin strips of salted and smoked meat from the sides and the back of a pig
  5. 8. An ocean animal that has a long body, a hard shell, and a pair of large claws and that is caught for food
  6. 10. A thick, sweet substance made by bees
  7. 13. Pasta in the shape of long, thin strings
  8. 14. A soft, juicy red fruit that grows on a low plant with white flowers