
  1. 2. Messy stuff that can be spicy depends on what kind of sauce
  2. 5. Greece, crispy
  3. 10. A side with dinner and a snack
  4. 11. Flat circle breakfast
  5. 16. Made with noodles
  6. 17. cream Cold with toppings
  7. 18. Orange
  8. 19. Hard shell
  9. 20. Flat with square shapes on the top
  1. 1. Red Sausage with sauce and cheese
  2. 3. Cannot eat the tail
  3. 4. Chewy
  4. 6. Patty With Cheese
  5. 7. Yellow and cold squares
  6. 8. Juicy
  7. 9. Yellow peel on the outside
  8. 12. With noodles and white sauce
  9. 13. Spicy depends on what type it is
  10. 14. Salty cut up potato
  11. 15. Brownish black hard side for breakfast