
  1. 2. When you've had enough of a beverage, you say ___
  2. 5. Food that is freshly produced and available is said to be in ____
  3. 6. Grown without artificial chemicals
  4. 7. A single dish as a part of a meal
  5. 12. A selection of dishes at a fixed price is a ___ menu
  6. 14. Containing spices to create hotter taste
  7. 15. A sweet dish
  8. 16. Individual dishes you order are called ___
  9. 17. Treated with chemicals for preservation or enhancement
  10. 19. Tasting sharpe, lemon-like
  11. 21. Another word for tasty, especially with salt and herbs
  1. 1. People who do not eat meat
  2. 3. Heavy and hard to digest
  3. 4. Unhealthy, but quickly prepared food is ___ food
  4. 5. Another helping of something
  5. 8. Appetizer
  6. 9. Not very hot in terms of flavour
  7. 10. People who do not eat or use any animal products
  8. 11. Tasting sharp and unpleasant
  9. 13. Containing very little flavour
  10. 18. Food that is too old often goes ___
  11. 20. Not matured, not ready to eat