
  1. 2. Yellow and long fruit
  2. 3. Fruit, and makes iPhone too
  3. 7. Made with eggs
  4. 8. Red and spicy!
  5. 9. Eggs and _____
  6. 10. Bread and ______
  7. 12. Cashew, Almond, Pecan
  8. 13. Fast-food
  9. 14. Swims in the ocean
  10. 17. Italian fast food
  11. 18. Flat food
  12. 20. Sweets after dinner
  13. 22. A slice of meat
  1. 1. Dessert for party
  2. 4. Used to make chips
  3. 5. Oolong or Earl Grey
  4. 6. Made by bees
  5. 8. Can become popcorn
  6. 10. Morning meal
  7. 11. Small shellfish
  8. 15. Comes from cow
  9. 16. Sweets
  10. 19. Comes from chicken
  11. 21. Vegetable dish