
  1. 4. A small and fast vehicle that takes you places.
  2. 6. A small and motorized vehicle for short trips.
  3. 7. Slices of bread with meat, cheese, and more inside.
  4. 8. A round and yummy dish with cheese and toppings.
  5. 11. A vehicle that takes sick people to the hospital.
  6. 13. truck A big vehicle that helps put out fires.
  7. 14. A long vehicle that runs on tracks and carries people.
  8. 16. Small grains that are a filling part of a meal.
  9. 17. A big vehicle that carries many people together.
  10. 18. A mix of fresh veggies and sometimes other ingredients.
  1. 1. A large vehicle that transports goods and cargo.
  2. 2. A fast vehicle with two wheels and an engine.
  3. 3. A tasty sandwich with a meat patty and veggies.
  4. 5. car A car used by the police to keep the peace.
  5. 7. Long and stringy noodles with tasty sauce.
  6. 9. Flat and fluffy breakfast treats, often with syrup.
  7. 10. Folded tortillas with yummy fillings inside.
  8. 12. Delicious meat that's often baked or fried.
  9. 15. Long and thin strips of dough, often in soups.
  10. 17. A two-wheeled vehicle that you pedal to move.