  1. 5. outer arch
  2. 6. function of an arch
  3. 7. largest tarsal bone
  4. 9. articulates posteriorly with calcaneus
  5. 10. a type of arch
  6. 14. designed for flexion and extension
  7. 18. also known as Chopart's joint
  8. 20. group of tarsometatarsal joints
  9. 22. found in hands and feet
  1. 1. joint formed by the junction of the bases of metatarsal bones with the cuboid
  2. 2. number of phalangeal bones in the foot
  3. 3. a type of arch
  4. 4. articulates with 3 cuneiforms
  5. 8. inner arch
  6. 9. attachment sites
  7. 11. articulation between talus and calcaneus
  8. 12. number of tarsal bones in the foot
  9. 13. where 2 bones attach
  10. 15. irregular shaped tarsal bone
  11. 16. abbreviation for metatarsophalangeal joints
  12. 17. number of bones in the foot
  13. 18. key support: narvicular
  14. 19. uppermost part of the talus
  15. 21. first toe