  1. 1. what officials use to indicate that a rule has been broken
  2. 3. part of the helmet that directly covers the face
  3. 5. an area of play within boundary lines
  4. 8. when offense is pushed closer to their end zone
  5. 10. automatic when you receive a 2nd penalty for abusive or dangerous conduct
  6. 11. football shoes
  7. 14. when a ball is in possession of a player and crosses the goal
  8. 15. any contact with the ball
  9. 16. grabbing,hooking,or twisting an opponent
  10. 17. initial contact against an opponent from behind or below the waist
  11. 20. two or more players grouped together
  12. 21. catch a ball that is still alive after it hits the ground
  1. 1. an act of passing the ball resulting in loss of possession
  2. 2. to seize and throw down or stop an opponent
  3. 4. defensive player position assumed after the ball is made ready for play
  4. 6. catch an opponent's pass or fumble
  5. 7. ball in play
  6. 9. each side of the field
  7. 12. rule infraction not resulting in a penalty
  8. 13. protects a players teeth
  9. 17. player gains possession of a ball from flight
  10. 18. opposite of offense
  11. 19. the result of committing a foul