  1. 2. - Throwing the ball to a teammate.
  2. 3. - Scoring a point by crossing the opponent's goal line.
  3. 6. - Group of players working together.
  4. 7. zone - Area at each end of the field where points are scored.
  5. 8. - Method of starting the game.
  6. 10. - Official who enforces the rules of the game.
  7. 11. - Area where teams try to score points.
  8. 12. - Gathering of players to discuss strategy.
  9. 13. - Round object used in the game.
  10. 15. - Player who throws the ball to teammates.
  1. 1. - Playing surface for football.
  2. 2. - Kicking the ball to the opponent to gain field position.
  3. 3. - When the ball is downed in the opponent's end zone.
  4. 4. - Entertainers who support the teams.
  5. 5. - Action of bringing down an opponent with the ball.
  6. 9. goal - Kicking the ball through the opponent's goalposts.
  7. 12. - Protective headgear worn by players.
  8. 14. - Person who guides and trains the team.