
  1. 2. drop the ball after having it in your possession
  2. 4. when the quarterback gets tackled in the backfield
  3. 5. what you wear on your feet while playing
  4. 7. the quarter back throws a deep pass to get a touchdown
  5. 11. main reciever of the football for passes
  6. 13. send in linebacker to go get the qb
  7. 14. 6 points when you reach the end zone
  8. 16. protects the head while playing
  9. 17. kick to start the game
  10. 18. run into somebody and they get smoked into the dirt
  11. 19. Kick the ball away from your goal on 4th down
  12. 20. snaps the ball to the qb
  1. 1. Person that starts the offence and throws the ball
  2. 3. block somebody into the ground
  3. 6. lines up on line of scrimmage and blocks
  4. 8. You catch the ball from the other teams quarter back
  5. 9. the offence gets into a circle to hear the play
  6. 10. ten yards to the touchdown your in the
  7. 12. when you kick the ball into the goal post for 1 more point
  8. 15. Occurs after second quarter but before the third
  9. 19. protect your body from contact hurting you.