
  1. 2. scale a tool used to compare distance on a map with distance in the real world
  2. 4. rose A tool on a map showing cardinal (N,E,S,W) and intermediate (NE,SE,NW,SW) directions.
  3. 5. a diagram that represents a place on Earth
  4. 8. an area's height above sea level
  5. 10. map shows physical features of an area, such as landforms and waterways
  6. 13. map shows political borders between places such as countries, states, territories, and cities
  7. 15. imaginary lines measuring distance north or south of the Equator
  8. 16. 0 degrees latitude
  1. 1. location Exact location of a place on the earth described by coordinates or an address
  2. 2. key explains the lines, symbols, and colors used on a map
  3. 3. Meridian 0 degrees longitude
  4. 6. map shows the number of people living in different areas
  5. 7. imaginary lines measuring distance north outh of the Equator
  6. 9. The position of anything on Earth's surface
  7. 11. location The position of a place in relation to another place
  8. 12. imaginary lines measuring distance east or west of the Prime Meridian
  9. 14. map shows weather patterns like temperature and rainfall in an area