
  1. 4. A highly intelligent and social marine mammal known for its playful behavior. Dolphins are known for their acrobatic jumps and clicks and whistles used for communication. They live in groups called pods.
  2. 7. A striped herbivorous mammal found in Africa. Zebras have a black and white striped coat and live in herds. Their unique stripes help them blend in with their surroundings.
  3. 11. A tall and graceful animal with a long neck and patterned coat. Giraffes are herbivores and can reach the leaves at the top of trees. They are known for their unique appearance and long legs.
  4. 12. A gentle giant with a long trunk and big tusks. Elephants are the largest land animals and are known for their intelligence and strong family bonds. They live in herds and are herbivores.
  5. 13. A flightless bird that lives in cold climates, often found in Antarctica. Penguins have a black and white coat and are excellent swimmers. They waddle on land and form large colonies.
  6. 14. A cuddly marsupial native to Australia. Koalas have fluffy fur, round ears, and eat eucalyptus leaves. They spend most of their time sleeping in trees and are known for their gentle nature.
  1. 1. A powerful and intelligent primate that is native to Africa. Gorillas have a muscular build and are the largest primates. They live in groups called troops and are known for their gentle nature.
  2. 2. An adorable bear known for its black and white fur. Pandas are native to China and are famous for their bamboo diet. They are considered a symbol of conservation and are an endangered species.
  3. 3. A striped big cat with a powerful body and sharp claws. Tigers are skilled hunters and are known for their strength and agility. They are found in various habitats and are an endangered species.
  4. 5. A unique marsupial found in Australia. Kangaroos have strong hind legs and a muscular tail. They are known for their ability to hop and carry their young, called joeys, in a pouch.
  5. 6. A tall bird with long legs and a pink plumage. Flamingos are known for their distinctive curved beaks and their ability to stand on one leg. They are often found in large groups near water.
  6. 8. A playful and intelligent mammal with a long tail and agile movements. Monkeys live in trees and use their hands and feet to swing and climb. They are known for their curiosity and social behavior.
  7. 9. The fastest land animal known for its incredible speed and spotted coat. Cheetahs have a slender body and are excellent hunters. They can reach high speeds while chasing their prey.
  8. 10. A large and powerful mammal known for its majestic appearance. Lions have a golden coat and a loud roar. They are often called the "king of the jungle" and live in groups called prides.