
  1. 2. Sending the ball to a teammate.
  2. 3. A shiny award for the winning team.
  3. 8. The building where big games are played.
  4. 9. Kicking the ball at the goal.
  5. 10. The people who play the game.
  6. 11. A player who plays in the middle of the field.
  7. 15. The players play on this.
  1. 1. When the fans shout something at the same time.
  2. 4. A foul in the _________ area gives a team a _________.
  3. 5. A player who sits on the bench.
  4. 6. A player who may use his hands.
  5. 7. The people who watch the games.
  6. 8. A player who scores many goals.
  7. 12. You kick a ball into a goal in this sport.
  8. 13. A player who tackles strikers.
  9. 14. This person blows a whistle and has yellow and red cards.
  10. 15. When a player breaks the rules.