For Dad

  1. 3. mom's dream vacation
  2. 5. mom's favorite book
  3. 8. Annie's favorite color
  4. 9. kids
  5. 10. world's deadliest animal
  6. 13. man's best friend
  7. 14. fav fire activity
  8. 16. what organ is in a shrimps head
  9. 17. most deadly honey bee
  10. 18. makes your head spin
  11. 20. this nut is part of the peach family
  12. 21. zach's fav rap song
  1. 1. Chloe's dream wedding ring style
  2. 2. ella's dream job
  3. 4. Ella's favorite horse
  4. 6. paralyzes its prey
  5. 7. mom's favorite plant
  6. 11. zach's new fav artist
  7. 12. annie is saving up for this
  8. 15. liv's favorite book
  9. 19. mom's favorite food
  10. 22. liv's dream vacation