for Mallory enjoy

  1. 1. best plant ever
  2. 5. my favorite color
  3. 8. my favorite shoe brand
  4. 10. has the best characters
  5. 14. they have the best songs
  6. 15. the best parody music
  7. 16. they have the best puzzles
  8. 17. my birthday
  9. 19. longest ive been clean (in months)
  10. 21. the brand of tea i always get at lunch
  1. 2. the class I hate the most
  2. 3. my all time favorite TV show
  3. 4. the best music genre
  4. 6. my favorite candy
  5. 7. hes so sexy
  6. 9. best pie flavor
  7. 11. my middle name
  8. 12. my last name
  9. 13. the best fabric ever
  10. 18. they make the most songs that i like
  11. 20. they are one of the best bands