For My Superman

  1. 2. sometimes it makes me jealous lol
  2. 4. Your name in Grab account
  3. 6. Your "brother" in Indonesia
  4. 7. thing i wanna tell you
  5. 9. the first masjid we came together
  6. 14. that cheerful laundry girl in Bandung
  7. 15. when you feel tired
  8. 16. what did you say?
  9. 17. the first khulafaurrasyidin
  10. 18. groceries
  11. 20. month when you first came and we met
  1. 1. your wife love this thing
  2. 3. another way to say "terima kasih"
  3. 5. my fav superhero
  4. 8. fruit
  5. 10. sport
  6. 11. breakfast
  7. 12. iykyk
  8. 13. pray
  9. 19. lunch