
  1. 1. an element of proactive crime intelligence
  2. 3. number of steps in the crime intelligence process
  3. 6. person who provides information out of sense of duty
  4. 7. analysis producing operational intelligence
  5. 9. purpose of proactive crime intelligence
  6. 10. an attribute of effectiveness
  7. 11. motive of an informer
  8. 13. a source of information
  9. 15. usually linked with clandestine activities
  10. 17. type of source used by the public
  11. 19. information has been verified
  12. 20. type of analysis showing relationships
  1. 2. type of intelligence for an immediate threat
  2. 4. another name for an informer
  3. 5. type of plan for data gathering
  4. 8. type of intelligence that impacts policy
  5. 12. service or product produced
  6. 14. type of source of information
  7. 16. crime in a specific geographic area
  8. 18. persons connected to many crime reports