  1. 4. a simple machine in form of an arm which can lift a heavy load by applying very little effort
  2. 5. the point at which a lever rests and turns
  3. 7. unit of weight
  4. 10. force produced by rubbing two rough edges
  5. 11. the name given to the force that makes all things fall to the ground
  6. 13. machines all machines are made of them
  7. 14. 2 a lever with load in between the effort and fulcrum
  8. 15. friction friction caused by fluids
  9. 17. 3 a lever with effort in between the fulcrum and load
  10. 20. force the downward pull of the Earth
  11. 22. forces that are opposite in direction and equal in size
  1. 1. two inclined planes put together
  2. 2. the gravitational force on an object
  3. 3. plane a sloping surface used to raise a heavy load
  4. 6. forces that are opposite in direction but unequal in size
  5. 8. the power applied to lift a load by the lever
  6. 9. force the resistance experienced by swimmers, runners, cyclists and motor racing drivers
  7. 12. the tendency to keep going in the same direction and at the same speed
  8. 14. 1 a lever with fulcrum in between the load and effort
  9. 16. newton a scientist who forwarded the first law of motion
  10. 18. materials that can flow
  11. 19. the amount of material that an object contains
  12. 21. weight lifted by the lever