Forces and Simple Machines

  1. 3. friction can cause a moving object to slow down, speed up, or _______.
  2. 6. force that resists the movement of object against each other
  3. 9. on the door knob we put the effort on the _______ so the axle can have greater force
  4. 10. an example of lever second class and has one wheel
  5. 12. block and tackle is a combination of ______ pulley and moveable pulley
  6. 14. pulley is a simple machine that has a ______ wheel with a rope
  7. 16. gears are wheels and axles with "________" that work together
  8. 19. a push or a pull
  9. 20. an object that is not moving is at _____
  10. 21. the weight of the object being moved
  11. 22. the _______ class of lever has an effort between the fulcrum and the load
  1. 1. a change in position
  2. 2. the ability to do work
  3. 4. something to cut
  4. 5. an inclined plane is a flat _______ surface
  5. 7. a rod
  6. 8. an object to make work easier
  7. 9. _______ is made up of one or more inclined planes used to force materials apart
  8. 11. _______surfaces like rock and sand create much more friction
  9. 13. a bar/ beam that turns on a point.
  10. 15. work is done when a force moves an object over a _______
  11. 16. the inclined plane on the screw is called the ______
  12. 17. the force that you apply to cause a simple machine to do work
  13. 18. force that pulls all objects toward the center of the earth
  14. 19. the point that supports the bar on lever