  1. 3. Uranus largest moon
  2. 6. first person to reach space
  3. 9. the blue planet
  4. 10. largest moon of Saturn
  5. 11. Another moon of Mars
  6. 12. name of our galaxy
  7. 17. meteoroids that land on earth's surface
  8. 18. also called as a shooting stars
  9. 19. the substance common to all Jovian Planet
  10. 22. a dwarf planet
  11. 23. a small robot that mars pathfinder brought to the red planet
  12. 25. name of comet that has been discovered in the year 1973
  13. 28. this member of solar system are formed from some materials left from the formation of planets
  14. 29. the beautiful planet
  15. 30. it is the brightest object you see in the sky at night
  1. 1. the path a planet takes around the sun
  2. 2. one of the elements that are present in earth's atmosphere
  3. 4. the fastest planet
  4. 5. the red planet
  5. 7. one of the gaseous planet in solar system
  6. 8. the largest planet
  7. 13. the first person to set foot on the moon
  8. 14. these fragments may formed when asteroids collide with one another
  9. 15. these are rocky and metallic objects that orbit the sun
  10. 16. small moon of Mars
  11. 20. the center of the solar system
  12. 21. another call for Gas Giants Planet
  13. 24. one of the Jupiter's moon
  14. 26. Neptune's largest moon
  15. 27. it is also called an evening star