Foreign aid

  1. 2. one government to another
  2. 3. the aid is a true gift (no need to pay back)
  3. 4. richer countries give to
  4. 6. Aid that is given for emergency's such as natural disasters
  5. 7. goals set by the UN in 2000
  6. 9. relationships with other countries
  7. 11. Non-government organisation
  8. 14. a formal concluded and retied agreement between nations
  9. 17. Its an Australian thing to___ others?
  10. 20. recovery from natural disasters
  11. 21. where does Australian give most of its aid
  12. 22. the country is expected to pay back
  1. 1. what does DFAT stand for?
  2. 5. why does Australia look after other countries who are neighboring them?
  3. 6. movement of goods, services and ideas between countries
  4. 8. ngos + _____ =successful outcomes
  5. 10. supporting the work of NGOs that conduct specific work within countries
  6. 12. many governments through a central agency
  7. 13. intergovernmental organisation that promotes equality, human right, peace and ecologically sustainable environments
  8. 15. the goods, services and ideas that Australia sells to other countries
  9. 16. trade imbalance whereby imports are greater than exports
  10. 18. what do the majority of the countries in Asia pacific region share?
  11. 19. The level of government that includes the entire country itself
  12. 21. operates within the Department of foreign affair and trade