Forensic Approaches to Substances of Abuse, Chapter 19, (Mack, 2016)

  1. 4. Many individuals in the criminal justice system have active substance use disorders or ____________ diagnoses.
  2. 9. Expert witnesses give an independent opinion whereas a ________ expert provides information or medical records for their patient.
  3. 10. Intoxication that is _____________ can be used as a defense, examples included trickery, under duress, and atypical reactions.
  4. 13. Both child abuse and _________ violence are more common with substance abuse.
  5. 14. State laws vary regarding duty to report _________ peers.
  6. 15. “clinicians should always remain cognizant that there are situations in which they should __________ prescribing."
  7. 19. ____________ is for sentencings greater than 1 year.
  8. 20. “_______________ is defined as unfriendly human attitudes, including tantrums, irritability, refusal to cooperate and suspicion.
  9. 22. “_____________ of abuse may promote aggression, hostility, or violence”
  10. 25. The _______ psychiatrist has an obligation to be objective.
  11. 26. _________ ordered treatment serves two main purposes, one to move substance use offenders out of the justice system and into treatment and two allow for involuntary commitment of offenders who are a danger to themselves or others.
  12. 28. Settled __________ is a term used when long-term use of substances results in chronic brain injury.
  13. 29. __________ involves arraignment to sentencing and/or sentences lasting 1 year or less.
  14. 30. To reduce risk related to substance use following release from prison or termination of probation, treatment should be continued for at least one ___________.
  15. 31. Noncriminal human interactions that address conduct and conflict are considered _______ law.
  16. 32. _________ percentage of those arrested for violent offenses are positive for substances of abuse.
  17. 33. "treatment should not be __________ and reassessment should be ongoing"
  18. 37. Correctional ____________ should provide opportunities for rehabilitation.
  19. 40. “___________ refers to institutions, practices and laws that divert criminal offenders who have a mental or a SUD out of the standard criminal justice system into alternative programs.”
  20. 42. A type of psychotherapy called ______________ management can be useful for treating substance use disorders.
  21. 43. "When prescribing a controlled substance, the patient should be reminded of his or her _________ in controlling the medication and safety disposing of unused portions."
  1. 1. ____________ action is also known as the actus reus is the start of the criminal process.
  2. 2. Some examples of _____________ law would be military or medical board investigations.
  3. 3. Research indicates that individuals having a substance use disorder and co-occurring ___________ disorder are at higher risk for violence when compared those with just one of the two diagnoses.
  4. 5. ___________ is another term for arrest.
  5. 6. __________ use is linked to crimes of endangerment, homicides, weapons.
  6. 7. ____________ has been removed from some formularies due misuse.
  7. 8. _____________ psychiatric toxicology refers to a specially trained expert that can assess for substances of intoxication based up pharmacology and an individual’s behavior.
  8. 11. “______________ is a broad term that refers to settings in which individuals in the criminal justice system are supervised through the judicial process.”
  9. 12. Amnesia is a term used to describe information that was forgotten where as ___________ is term to describe information that was never recorded.
  10. 16. “individuals with ________ personality disorders are 21 times more likely to develop alcohol use disorders.”
  11. 17. When a _______ claim involves substance use one should refer to an addiction psychiatrist or pain management specialist.
  12. 18. Diversion offers offenders the opportunity to participate in treatment and often _________ further criminal punishment.
  13. 21. Federal law 42 CFR Part 2 provides ____________ regarding the release of health information.
  14. 23. “___________ is defined as overt behavior with the intent to inflict noxious stimulation or behave destructively toward an organism.”
  15. 24. When cocaine is converted to ____________ its effects of paranoia are often extended.
  16. 27. It is important to note that only some ____________ have statutes for involuntary treatment/commitment.
  17. 34. Clinicians should be knowledgeable about which aspects of their __________ fall under Federal law 42 or HIPPA.
  18. 35. "the actual process of _________ should include informed consent and proper documentation of all required information on the prescription, which may vary across states”
  19. 36. ___________ sampling can show long term use of sedatives/hypnotics.
  20. 38. The term ______ mind is also known as menus rea.
  21. 39. _____________ refers to prosecution and assignment of blame.
  22. 41. “_____________ is aggression among humans.”