Forensic psychology

  1. 3. Genes are only activated under triggers from the enivironment
  2. 7. Bias assuming negative intentions of others behaviour
  3. 8. founded the botoom-up approach
  4. 9. Who said, "Criminal personality is due to the type of nervous system you inherit"
  5. 12. Interpreting own behaviour as less serious (cognitive explanation)
  6. 13. People who have an under-aroused nervous system
  7. 14. Psychodynamic explanations of criminality revolve around this.
  8. 16. Easy to upset, overly anxious, obsessive behaviours
  9. 17. Theory that criminals are more primitive
  10. 18. Neurotransmitter response connected to aggression
  11. 21. A type of profiling based on where offenders are likely to be based
  1. 1. A type of criminal profile for ones that don't plan their crimes in advance
  2. 2. General critique of biological explanations of criminality
  3. 4. Profilers create pre-existing categories for offenders
  4. 5. Neurotransmitter response connected to impulsivity
  5. 6. Criminals who do crimes that radiate out from their home base
  6. 10. Who said, "Criminality can be seen in terms of levels of moral reasoning"
  7. 11. _____________ association theory
  8. 15. Came up with the theory of atavistic form
  9. 19. Atavistic form has been critised as being scientific _________
  10. 20. A type of criminal profile who plans, tidies up their crime scene