Forensic Science

  1. 2. Process of extracting DNA from the crime scene to isolate a person who committed a crime. Is used to figure out a criminal
  2. 5. A single DNA molecule that codes for your body. This contains the material used for DNA fingerprinting
  3. 6. Main pattern of the fingertips, used to catch a criminal
  4. 7. refers to technique of mixing and separating two mixtures. This can be used for DNA fingerprinting.
  5. 9. Specific type of evidence that is left behind from a crime scene. This is used for tracking down a criminal
  1. 1. An application of science to law. This is used to catch criminals after a crime.
  2. 2. Also called DNA, it makes up your genetic makeup. Can be used to track a criminal down.
  3. 3. A part of the chromosome used to code for a specific part of the body. Used to determine the person in the crime scene.
  4. 4. Minor pattern in the fingertips, used to isolate a person from a different person using the minor details
  5. 8. An object or any other thing left behind in a crime scene. This can be used to catch a criminal after he or she fled the scene.