Forensic Science

  1. 3. Lattes/ Devised a simple procedure for determining the blood type
  2. 4. Orfila/Father of Forensic Toxicology
  3. 6. Unit/ examines and records physical evidence
  4. 9. Bertillon/ Father of Criminal Detection
  5. 11. Galton/ The first definitive study of fingerprints and their classification
  6. 12. S. Osborn/ developed fundamental principles of document examination
  7. 15. Unit/ examines firearms
  1. 1. Goddard/ Published study of "tool marks" on bullets
  2. 2. Examination unit/ examines handwriting
  3. 5. Science/ The application of science to those criminal and civil laws that are enforced by police agencies in a criminal justice.
  4. 7. Science Unit/ applies the principles and techniques of chemistry, physics, and geology.
  5. 8. Arthur Conan Doyle/ Developed the character Sherlock Holmes
  6. 10. exchange principle/ when two objects come into contact with each other
  7. 13. witness/ Person who is permitted to testify at trial because of special knowledge
  8. 14. Unit/ identifies dried bloodstains