Forensics and the Law vocab section 3

  1. 7. a hearing where a judge or magistrate determines if there is enough evidence to take the case to trial (if they plead not guilty) or gives a sentence (if the suspect pleads guilty)
  2. 9. in evidence law,tending to prove something
  3. 10. a police procedure following the arrest that requires basic information about the suspect,a photograph,pingerprints,amd pehaps a line up
  4. 13. A list of rights that a police officer reads to someone before that person is arrested
  5. 14. a gruop of people sworn to inquire into crime and it appropreate bring accusation against the suspected criminal
  6. 15. the first act in a criminal proceeding where the defendant is brought before court to hear charges and enter a plea
  1. 1. where the defendant and the prosecutor work out a deal without going to court
  2. 2. the defendant neither admits nor denies a crime, but accepts the punishments issued as if they were guilty
  3. 3. formally accuse a person of a crime
  4. 4. A sum of money used as a security deposit to ensure that an accused person returns for his or her trial
  5. 5. theories based on distorted, flawed, or untested hypotheses
  6. 6. a broken law and can be a minor or major crime
  7. 8. minor offense
  8. 11. testimony given by a witness based on "wnhat others have said", not admissible in criminal courts
  9. 12. evidence that's relevant to the case