Formation of the solar system

  1. 3. The rocky planets are made of chunks of rock and ___
  2. 6. Objects captured by planets and now orbit around them
  3. 7. what are the building blocks of planets called?
  4. 9. Which object was the first to form in the Solar System?
  5. 10. perhaps water was brought to the Earth by___
  6. 11. moving closer and further from the Sun - we call this
  7. 15. Which planet was knocked onto its side by an impact?
  1. 1. Our Solar system is thought to be about 4.5___ years ago.
  2. 2. which planet do scientists think formed first?
  3. 4. What do we call planets which orbit other stars?
  4. 5. Which planet spins in the opposite direction to the others?
  5. 8. rocky leftover pieces of rock in the Solar System
  6. 12. Which force is responsible for formation of the Sun?
  7. 13. there are two ice giant planets. Uranus and?
  8. 14. ___ is smaller in size than expected due to Jupiter?