Formation of the Solar Systems

  1. 2. The rocky planets are made of chunks of rock and M_____.
  2. 3. Which planet do scientists think formed first? J_________.
  3. 5. Objects which were captured by planets and now orbit around them are called M_____.
  4. 12. What are the large pieces / the building blocks of planets called? P___________.
  5. 14. Which planet was knocked onto its side by an impact? U_______.
  6. 15. Our Sun formed from a huge cloud of material which was pulled together and planets are kept in orbit around the Sun. Which force is responsible for both of these things. G_______.
  1. 1. What are the rocky leftover pieces of rock in the Solar System called? A________.
  2. 4. What do we call planets which orbit other stars? E__________.
  3. 6. There are two ice giant planets. Uranus is one, which is the other? N________.
  4. 7. Scientists think that perhaps water was brought to the Earth by C______.
  5. 8. Our Solar system is thought to be about 4.5 B_____ years old.
  6. 9. Just like humans and animals which may move from one place to another, planets moved closer and further from the sun in their early lifetime - we call this m__________.
  7. 10. Jupiter swallowed up lots of material around it - which planet is smaller in size than expected as a result. M_____.
  8. 11. Which planet is spinning in the opposite direction to all the others? V______.
  9. 13. Which object was the first to form in the Solar System? S___.