Forms of Energy Vocabulary

  1. 2. a type of energy that comes from charged particles, like electrons moving through a wire
  2. 6. the energy that is stored in matter and that can be released by a chemical reaction
  3. 7. to bounce light, heat or sound waves from a surface without absorbing them.
  4. 9. to move steadily back and forth with continuous quick, shaking movements; particles do this as they pass through matter (solids, liquids, gases) to create sound.
  5. 10. bend,the ability for light to change direction when it hits certain objects
  1. 1. the power that an object gets from its position and motion; the ability to do work
  2. 3. a material that does not allow heat to move through it easily; it reduces or prevents the transfer of electricity, heat, or sound; gases are good insulators
  3. 4. to soak up or take in energy without reflecting or transmitting that energy
  4. 5. a material that allows heat to move through it easily; solids are good conductors.
  5. 8. the relative frequency of a sound; how high (particles vibrate faster) or low (particles vibrate slower) a sound is