Forms of Media

  1. 1. contains stories, essays, pics, etc.
  2. 4. express ideas by images
  3. 8. housing for magnetic tape
  4. 10. electronic mail
  5. 12. discussion or informational site; consisting of discrete entries
  6. 13. mobile phone or CP
  7. 14. regularly published; one main topic
  8. 15. most popular form of print-media
  9. 16. TV
  10. 19. also known as film
  11. 20. used for advertising
  1. 2. structured form of play
  2. 3. a written medium
  3. 5. oldest form of print media
  4. 6. used in radio stations
  5. 7. telecommunications device
  6. 9. outdoor advertising structure
  7. 11. to promote or sell a product
  8. 17. network of networks
  9. 18. also called pamphlet