Forms Of Ownership

  1. 3. Taxes in a private company are usually…
  2. 6. A SOC is reliant on government…
  3. 8. Profits are divided between partners according to an....
  4. 10. The type of liability that is within the extent of their investment of the business
  5. 11. Type of liability in which you can lose all your assets
  6. 14. A form of ownership where members do not receive any profits (three words)
  7. 15. Name ends with the letters cc (two words)
  8. 16. Because there can be more than one manager in a CC is can cause… in decision making
  9. 19. The minimum amount of members in a cooperative business
  10. 20. Venture is a special project for a limited time
  11. 21. The way the business is organised in order to best control and direct its activities
  12. 23. The form of ownership where the name has to end in (Pty) Ltd
  13. 24. CC’s registered before 2011 are still in…
  14. 27. Formed by a group to gain bargaining power
  15. 28. Partners play no role and is not known to public
  1. 1. Partners have no role but is known to the public
  2. 2. Two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of a business for profit
  3. 4. Another word for stocks
  4. 5. Used to attract prospective employees with the option of becoming a partner
  5. 7. People who have no direct legal implications
  6. 9. Business owned by one person (two words)
  7. 12. Non profitable companies rely on this to run
  8. 13. Shared responsibility for all debts (two words)
  9. 17. The minimum amount of founding persons for a NPC
  10. 18. Where does a SOC acquire funding from
  11. 19. Grants permission to sell its products and services as a business
  12. 22. Who is the person that makes decisions in a Sole Trading business
  13. 25. Money owned; debt or obligation
  14. 26. A violation or a failure to do as needed