Forms of writing

  1. 2. move forward
  2. 5. suitable or easy to use, to the purpose
  3. 7. the opposite of modern
  4. 9. shape,sculpt or engrave
  5. 11. following accepted standards, traditional
  6. 14. without a doubt
  7. 15. stretch out, expand
  8. 16. taking up a lot of time
  9. 17. speed,pace
  10. 18. all human beings
  11. 19. that lasts long
  1. 1. greatly or very much
  2. 3. change into something else
  3. 4. almost impossible to think of
  4. 6. carry and bring to your door
  5. 8. calculate approximately
  6. 10. different to a large degree, causing great change
  7. 12. Printing was Gutenberg's ...........
  8. 13. Solar power is one of the ........... forms of energy
  9. 20. move at a great speed