
  1. 1. Weapon ‘Dekupopdem’
  2. 4. Overpowered Gun
  3. 6. Og location
  4. 8. Pickaxes use
  5. 10. Fortnite developer
  6. 11. Idiot way to die
  7. 12. Popular Fortnite=\_FPC:XLgame mode
  8. 13. Popular girl default skin
  9. 15. Rage bait emote
  10. 18. Building material
  11. 20. My favorite skin
  12. 21. Loot llamas treasure
  13. 22. best Fortnite creator
  1. 2. Noobs have
  2. 3. Games genre
  3. 5. Loots rarity color
  4. 7. Victory Royal Reward
  5. 9. Storms effect on players
  6. 14. Battle bus’s trajectory
  7. 16. Emotes purpose
  8. 17. Chug Jugs effect
  9. 19. Battle pass reward