
  1. 3. what is the name of renegade raiders pickaxe
  2. 5. in season 5 Fortnite celebrated this
  3. 7. pets were introduced in this season
  4. 9. in season 8 this took up a large part of the map
  5. 10. in season 7 this weapon came out of the vault
  6. 11. what season did Jake start playing
  7. 13. the evil version of the skin Carbide
  8. 14. this skin has all the colours of you xbox console
  1. 1. what game mode was introduced in season 7
  2. 2. the name of the skin Mason always wears
  3. 4. a new way to get around
  4. 6. what animal is on Brite Bomber's top
  5. 7. its great to pair cuddle team leader with this emote
  6. 8. epic skin introduced in season 5
  7. 12. dive in to lazy _